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Sleep positions and your aches and pains*                                              February 2015

 “Sleep and pain exist in a complicated relationship to one another,” sleep expert Michael Breus, PhD, the host of the upcoming podcast Secrets to Sleep Success, “Pain — both chronic and acute — can interfere with sleep, making it harder to fall asleep and to stay asleep. Poor quality and insufficient sleep contribute to pain in several ways, decreasing tolerance for pain, increasing its intensity and discomfort, and in some cases raising the risk for the development of chronic-pain conditions.” So just how should you sleep when something ails you? Breus explains how to take it lying down:


1. Lower back pain: Sleep like lie on your back with your legs and torso raised, using one trianglar foam wedge under the knees and another one under your back, or  On your side in a fetal - like postition, slowly bringing your knees closer to your chest.


2, Shoulder pain:  Sleep like on your back, using a very flat pillow.


3.  Neck pain:  Sleep using a memory foam pillow. (The popular contoured S-shaped pillow is designed to support the neck on the side, back, and stomack position. )


4.  Acid reflux:  Sleep on your left side. The position encourages the body to separate the lower esophageal sphincter from the stomack, decreasing the chances of uncontrallable backsplash of stomach acids. 


* Reference: 


The Best Sleep Positions For All Your Aches And Pains                                                         Amy Capetta

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