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Mindfulness and meditation exercises are helping kids get an edge in the classroom


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Mindfulness and meditation programs are emerging as powerful ways to calm kids down, sharpen their brains and make them kinder to their classmates. Though the research looks at many different techniques, the outcomes seem consistently positive --- and they appear to work in kids so young, they've yet to meet their first fraction all the way up to high school seniors. Some research even hints that Transcendental Meditation leads to higher gradustion rates: 15% higher, one 2013 study found. Seemingly idle time may have a place at school after all.




What's the most effective workout?                                                                            from Time


All exercise is good for you. use this chart to decide which type is best for your fitness needs,


Strength Training   We lose muscle mass as we age, and resistance training is one of the best ways to build it back up. Weight lifting can build muscle while strengthening bones and connective tissue.


High-Intensity Intervals   Studies suggest that brief, repeated bouts of high-intensity exercise may help people, at least in the short term, lose some of the more worrisome types of body fat.


Yoga or Pilates   These stretching workouts are two ofthe most proven ways to increase flexibility and improve range of motion, even in older or sedentary adults. They're good for relaxation too.


Cardio   Increase your stamina with regular aerobic training like running, cycling or swimming. If you can easily carry on a conversation during this exercise, you're likely not working hard enough.


Walking   Mounting evidence suggests that a brisk walk can better your mind, possily by stimulating the parts of your brain that are involved in memory and learning.

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